Change Log


Bug Fixes

  • We now show additional information when a failure occurs when using {@ArchBaseFlow#checkInAsync}.


Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where passing in a value for the creationData parameter on the ArchFactoryFlows.createFlowFromDefinitionAsync function for a flow type that does not support creation data would cause an invalid function error to occur.



Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where creating an ArchBaseFlowBot in memory, exporting the flow, then importing the flow onto an already existing flow, and finally publishing the flow would not create any new slots that were defined in the flow export.

  • We fixed an issue where performing lookups of network entities that did not exist would cause an "UnhandledPromiseRejection" error.



Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where creating an ArchBaseFlowBot in memory, exporting the flow, then importing the flow onto an already existing flow, and finally publishing the flow would not create any new slots that were defined in the flow export.

  • We fixed an issue where performing lookups of network entities that did not exist would cause an "UnhandledPromiseRejection" error.








Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where the language versions of supported languages on a bot flow or digital bot flow would not be exported to YAML for the Settings Natural Language Understanding configuration.



  • We added support for configuring recognition failure and agent escalation within bot and digital bot flows using ArchSettingsEvenErrorFlowBot#agentEscalationHandling, ArchSettingsEvenErrorFlowBot#recognitionFailureEventTargetTask, and ArchSettingsEvenErrorFlowBot#agentEscalationTargetTask.

  • We added support for flexible text to speech engine selection.



Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where the knowledge and noIntent output paths were not exporting to YAML when enabled without actions configured.




Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue with missing spaces in the logging output when creating a flow.



Bug Fixes


New Features

Bug Fixes




Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue with YAML export where an ArchActionAskForIntent would export an intent output as enabled if the intent no longer existed within the natural language understand settings and there were actions added in the output path for that intent.


New Features

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue with expression validation when running Architect Scripting in a Turkish locale.

  • We fixed an issue where exporting a flow to YAML would not use the most up to date integration names configured in Genesys Cloud.

  • We fixed the return type in the documentation for ArchFactoryMenus#addMenuJumpToTask to correctly state it returns an ArchMenuJumpToTask.


Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes

  • We updated YAML export to quote strings that contain tab characters.


New Features


Bug Fixes



Bug Fixes


New Features


  • We updated the minimum Node.js version required to use Architect Scripting to 18.0.0. This is reflected in Architect Scripting's package.json file. Node Package Manager (npm) will use this to check your installed Node.js version when installing the Architect Scripting SDK so when using Node be sure to have 18.0.0 or higher installed. Thanks!



  • We updated YAML export for the ArchActionEvaluateSchedule#evaluationTimeZone property to export a lit or exp property depending on whether the value is literal or expression mode.

Bug Fixes



  • We standardized logging behavior when actions are added to a flow.

Bug Fixes



  • We added the ability to configure the suppress recording setting in call flows using ArchSettingsSpeechRecFlow#suppressRecording. To check whether a flow can suppress recordings, we also added the ArchDefinitionFlow#canSuppressRecording property.


Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes

  • We corrected values reported by the TypeScript definition file.


New Features

  • We added support for configuring multi-lingual Bot flows and Digital Bot flows.

Bug Fixes

  • We updated handling when loading flows with Evaluate Schedule and Evaluate Schedule Group actions to clean up unused properties in the flow's configuration.


New Features


  • We added additional error logging when flow creation fails.

  • We updated handling to allow for the same name to be used for ArchMenuTasks and ArchMenuSubMenus as long as their parent ArchMenu is not the same.

Bug Fixes


New Features


  • We updated the minimum Node.js version required to use Architect Scripting to 16.0.0. This is reflected in Architect Scripting's package.json file. Node Package Manager (npm) will use this to check your installed Node.js version when installing the Architect Scripting SDK so when using Node be sure to have 16.0.0 or higher installed. Thanks!

  • We updated the the minimum int value for ArchSettingsUserInput#confirmationRejectionsMax from 1 to 0 for Bot flows.

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue with language tag handling when running Architect Scripting in a Turkish locale.


New Features

  • We added support for the ToCommunicationSsml expression function within Bot flows.

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue when adding an ArchActionTransferToVoicemailAction using the ArchFactoryActions#addActionFromDefinition function would populate the ArchActionTransferToVoicemailAction#voicemailGreeting with a default PromptSystem.voicemail_greeting when the ArchActionTransferVoicemail#transferTargetType was set to "queue".

  • We fixed an issue where error traces could contain extra unneeded periods within the message being logged.


Bug Fixes


New Features


Bug Fixes



  • We made additional improvements to the Architect Scripting TypeScript declaration file to allow for typing support when using TypeScript.


New Features

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where adding a knowledge base document by name using ArchValueKnowledgeBaseDocumentCollection.addLiteralByKnowledgeBaseDocumentNameAsync would fail because the knowledge base id was not being used for the lookup correctly.


New Features

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where setting a response which had the same name in different response libraries using the ArchActionGetResponse#setResponseByNameAsync function would not be able to find the response correctly on a name lookup.

  • We fixed a warning log message when calling ArchTtsEngines#getEngineByName when looking up a text to speech engine that is not available within the organization.


Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where performing a YAML export of a Create Callback action that has a callback script configured with no inputs would be set to null.


New Features


New Features



  • We updated the polling interval time from 1 second to 3 seconds when ensuring flows are searchable by name when performing flow operations such as ArchBaseFlow#publishAsync. We also updated the total time allowed for an operation when calling ArchAsyncPolling#beginAsyncPolling from 40 seconds to 80 seconds.



  • We fixed an issue where the id and name properties on an Image data type would not be available to use in an expression.


Bug Fixes


New Features




  • We added a new location string value to ArchEnums#LOCATIONS to enable usage of Architect Scripting in the Sao Paulo region ('prod_sa_east_1' ).


New Features

Bug Fixes


New Features


Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where an error would be thrown saying it could not find a match for a network based object when there was a correct match.


  • We removed support for the Call Bridge Action since its usage in flows is no longer supported.


New Features

  • We updated the minimum Node version required to use Architect Scripting to 14.0.0. This is reflected in Architect Scripting's package.json file. Node Package Manager (npm) will use this to check your installed Node version when installing the Architect Scripting SDK so when using Node be sure to have 14.0.0 or higher installed. Thanks!

  • We added support for dynamic lookup of schedules, schedule groups, and emergency groups.


Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where an incorrect error could be thrown when setting a data action by name if the data action name was the same across multiple categories and there were multiple data action lookups being processed.


Bug Fixes



  • We added a note to the documentation's Overview section that Scripting should only be imported/required once within a project.

  • We added additional information to validation issues associated with ArchAudio properties to make errors and warnings more descriptive.

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where some action functions that set an item by name were making an additional lookup by the item's id.


New Features


Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where an error would not be handled correctly when fetching roles and permissions for an OAuth Client when using the ArchSession#startWithClientIdAndSecret function.

  • We fixed an issue with YAML export where a string value of Null was not being wrapped with quotes.


New Features


New Features



New Features


Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes


New Features

  • The Get Journey Sessions By Customer action has been deprecated and support for this action has been removed.

Bug Fixes


New Features

  • We added support for Architect prompts within bot flows.




  • We updated YAML export to always export the preHandlingAudio property in the event handling section for a flow. This is to fix an issue where Archy could write out default TTS instead of empty audio for that property if the property wasn't specified.

  • We now add the isInput and isOutput settings for variables when exporting a flow to YAML to make them explicit on import.


Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where exporting a flow to YAML would not quote "yes" and "no" action outputs.

  • We fixed an issue where publishing a Bot flow could fail if an empty intents array is used within the creation data's nluDomainVersion JSON.

  • We fixed an issue where traces were being logged for unknown actions.



Bug Fixes



New Features

Bug Fixes





Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes

  • We added a new optional parameter isClientCredentialsOAuthClient to the ArchSession#startWithAuthToken method to specify if the supplied authToken is for an OAuth client with a client credentials grant.

  • We added some internal network call optimizations when multiple instances of the ArchActionCallCommonModule are present in a flow that call the same common module to be more efficient when validating the flow.

  • We fixed an issue that could cause validation errors to be reported when an ArchActionCallCommonModule action referenced a common module flow that had a collection input variable defined.


Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue that could cause validation errors to be reported when using more than one instance of an ArchActionCallCommonModule action that referenced the same common module. This could make a flow unpublishable when it should not be.



Bug Fixes


New Features



New Features

  • We added support for global slots within Architect Bot Flows.


New Features


Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where a Call Common Module action could incorrectly have a validation error saying that it has references that have been deleted.



  • We added better async/await support to Architect Scripting functions that return a Promise and take a callback as a parameter. Before, some of these functions wouldn't return a value when you used await to call it and assign the promise's return value to a variable. Now, the return value of the promise is assigned correctly.

Bug Fixes





  • We added the ability to specify the file name for the ArchBaseFlow#exportToDirAsync function that will be used when the exported Architect flow is created.

Bug Fixes



  • We added additional logging for when a user or OAuth client does not have the necessary permissions configured to create a flow in a division.

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where the reported Architect Scripting version would be one version behind when running in verbose mode.

  • We updated retry handling if Architect Scripting receives a 429 HTTP return status code when making calls to the Genesys Cloud Public API so that it now processes the returned retry-after headers.


New Features


Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where setting the ArchAudioCase#enabled property to true would not persist when loading the flow, when the ArchAudioCase is set to use a custom expression.


New Features

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where performing a YAML export of a flow that contained an ArchActionTransferToVoicemail action with a voicemail script with no inputs would fail.


New Features







Bug Fixes



  • We updated the minimum Node version required to use Architect Scripting to 12.0.0. This is reflected in Architect Scripting's package.json file. Node Package Manager (npm) will use this to check your installed Node version when installing the Architect Scripting SDK so when using Node be sure to have 12.0.0 or higher installed. Thanks!

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed a problem with the ArchEnums#FLOW_TYPES map documentation which incorrectly listed the inboundCall and secureCall keys twice. There were no changes made to the actual enum itself as it was just a documentation fix.

  • We fixed an issue with the ArchBaseActionFlowOutcome#setFlowOutcomeByNameAsync function that could cause it to error out when searching for a flow outcome by name, saying there are multiple flow outcomes with the same name configured for the organization when there is actually only one flow outcome with that name.


Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes

  • We removed some instances where customer data could have been included when making calls to Genesys Cloud's logging endpoints. Architect Scripting is built on top of the Architect core framework, which calls these endpoints. This change does not impact Architect Scripting's logging functionality, which by default writes to the console.



  • We added the ability to set a flow format type for the ArchBaseFlow#exportToObjectAsync and ArchBaseFlow#exportToDirAsync functions. If no flow format is used, it will default to the Architect format.

  • When creating a bot flow and the caller specifies natural language understanding meta data in the creationData parameter, Architect Scripting is now properly ensuring that entity names configured under entityTypeBindings entries in the creationData JSON comply with Architect variable naming rules. For example, you cannot put a space in an entity type name since Architect cannot create a slot variable, or any variable for that matter, whose name has a space in it.

Bug Fixes


New Features

  • We added a new ArchValueSettings.allowInvalidExpressionText property which if set to true lets code set invalid expression text ( i.e. '3 + ' ) when calling methods that set expression text like ArchBaseValue#setExpression and it will no longer throw. Obviously if the expression text is invalid there will still be a flow validation error for the expression but the Architect Scripting session will no longer terminate execution because of this and execution will continue.


Bug Fixes

  • We fixed a problem when calling ArchBaseFlow#addVariable, ArchState#addVariable or ArchTask#addVariable where a caller tried to create a variable whose value was a complex collection type. The Architect Scripting bits were incorrectly creating a singleton value for the variable instead of a complex collection which is now fixed.

  • We updated the documentation for the ArchActionSendAutoReply#from property because its description text incorrectly stated it was an inter-digit duration.

  • We fixed an issue where the ArchSpeechRecTermContainer.containsTerms function would return the term supplied by the caller to the method if it was found or undefined if not found. The method now correctly returns a boolean true if the term is found and false if not.



  • We added support for the Associate External Contact action.

Bug Fixes


New Features


  • We added a new ArchActionWait#trimDurationNearMaxRunningTime property that specifies whether or not the Wait action should trim the wait duration configured on the action at runtime so it does not specify a value that is too long which would end up invoke flow error handling.

  • We added an ArchActionWait#isArchActionWait property to indicate if an action is an ArchActionWait instance.

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where accessing the ArchFlowInfo#hasSavedVersion property would incorrectly throw an error instead of returning a boolean value.


New Features

  • We added a new location string value to ArchEnums#LOCATIONS to enable usage of Architect Scripting in Mumbai ('prod_ap_south_1').



  • We added a [dataType]{@linkArchBaseVariable#dataType} property to the ArchBaseVariable class that will return the variable's data type.

Bug Fixes


New Features




  • We are releasing version 0.9.2 of Architect Scripting due to problems encountered publishing 0.9.1 to npm. The notes from version 0.9.1 apply to this release of Architect Scripting.


New Features



  • We updated the minimum Node version required to use Architect Scripting to 10.0.0. This is reflected in Architect Scripting's package.json file. Node Package Manager (npm) will use this to check your installed Node version when installing the Architect Scripting SDK so when using Node be sure to have 10.0.0 or higher installed. Thanks!

  • We updated wording in various places in the Architect Scripting documentation to use Genesys Cloud instead of PureCloud.

Bug Fixes



  • We added an ArchDataType#isAnAnyType property that returns whether or not a data type is an Architect Any data type. For example, if there was a function implementation in the expression help that takes an Any type parameter, if this property returned true that means it is valid to use for that parameter.


Bug Fixes



Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes



Bug Fixes



Bug Fixes


New Features

Bug Fixes



Bug Fixes

  • We updated the Architect Scripting documentation on the ArchEnums#LOCATIONS object to fix a duplicated prod_ap_northeast_1 key so that it now has both a prod_ap_northeast_1 and a prod_ap_northeast_2 key.

  • We updated internal asynchronous operation ( promise ) handling in ArchAsyncTracker to better handle longer running code that calls asynchronous functions in Architect Scripting while other asynchronous operations are not resolved. This usage pattern could have resulted in the following error, which was not expected behavior: allSettled called more than 50 times waiting for async operation(s) to complete. Not going to wait anymore.. The operation tracker incorrectly thought that work had stalled because its internal operation bucket had pending operations in it when it checked 50 times in a row and threw the above error, even though the pending operations in the bucket were different and it should have kept waiting and not thrown an error.



Bug Fixes

  • We fixed some action output discrepancies when dealing with menu choice actions such as ArchMenuTransferToAcd#actionTransferToAcd and accessing action outputs on those actions. Whenever you access outputs on an action associated with a menu choice via the ArchBaseActionWithOutputs#outputs property getter, the returned array was empty as expected. If you accessed the ArchBaseActionWithOutputs#outputCount property, though, it would return a count of 2 in the ArchActionTransferToAcd case, which is not correct and should have been 0. Similarly, accessing the failure output would have returned an ArchActionOutput instance, which was also incorrect. Granted, you couldn't add any actions to it, but attempting to get at an action output for a menu choice action will now return nothing. Due to the fact we've now made this behavior consistent across the various properties and action output getters or functions like ArchBaseActionWithOutputs#getOutputById, we decided to make this a minor version bump to Architect Scripting.





  • We added a new supportsSecureVariables property to flow definitions that lets you know if a flow type supports secure variables or not.



  • We added a new ArchActionExtractSecureData#statements property that provides access to the update data statements on this action.

  • We added a new location string value to ArchEnums#LOCATIONS to enable usage of Architect Scripting in Seoul ( 'prod_ap_northeast_2' ).

  • We added a new location string value to ArchEnums#LOCATIONS to enable usage of Architect Scripting in Canada ( 'prod_ca_central_1' ).

  • We added a new location string value to ArchEnums#LOCATIONS to enable usage of Architect Scripting in London ( 'prod_eu_west_2' ).

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where accessing the ArchActionExtractSecureData#hasSecureDataAcknowledgement property returned a string value instead of a boolean.


Bug Fixes

  • We made a couple flow type availability updates to some complex data types that were incorrectly saying they were available in inbound chat flows when they shouldn't have been.








Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue with the online documentation that caused it to show some internal Architect Scripting properties in the Global namespace.

  • The ArchEnums#LOCATIONS enumeration in Architect Scripting's online documentation was missing an entry for prod_eu_central_1. This is now added. The value itself was in the enum so this is just a documentation update.


Bug Fixes






New Features

  • We're excited to announce Architect Scripting now supports OAuth clients with client credential grants in addition to code authorization grants. Are you tired of starting an Architect Scripting session with a client id and secret where Scripting opens a tab that says "You may close this window now." or asking for a user email and password? Well, you now have an option to use an OAuth client with a client credentials grant on the ArchSession#startWithClientIdAndSecret method. It has a new isClientCredentialsOAuthClient boolean parameter where you can pass true if you want the supplied client id and secret to be treated by Architect Scripting as an OAuth client with a client credentials grant. Changes made by client credential OAuth clients will be reflected in Architect as coming from that OAuth client and not a user since there is no user associated with the OAuth client with this grant type. What's nice is this also means that when using a client credentials OAuth client, you no longer have to deal with any kind of UI popping when calling the ArchSession#startWithClientIdAndSecret method. It's very handy for automated environments where you never want any UI, and unlike using an auth token for authorization, the client id and secret for this grant type don't expire after a period of time.



Bug Fixes


New Features


  • We added a minimum Node engine version of 8.0.0 to Architect Scripting's package.json file. Node package manager (npm) will use this check your installed Node version when installing the Architect Scripting SDK so when using Node be sure to have 8.0.0 or higher installed. Thanks!



  • We added an isComplex property to ArchDataType which returns whether or not a data type is a complex type.



  • We added the ability on the ArchActionGetResponse#setResponseByNameAsync to specify a response library via. a new optional string responseLibraryName parameter. If a library name is specified, the named response must belong to that library. This additional functionality provides the ability to disambiguate responses that have the same name but reside in different response libraries for an organization.

Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes




Bug Fixes

  • The getter for the action output id property was improperly returning an Architect internal output identifier string value for known outputs rather than an output identifier string that comes from ArchEnums#OUTPUT_IDS_ALL. An example of a known output is one which does not return a guid string identifier such as the yes output on an ArchActionDecision action. A dynamic output would be an output which does have a guid string identifier such as an output that represents an intent on an ArchActionCallLexBot action.



  • We made various updates to the Architect Scripting documentation in this release and decided to bump the Architect Scripting version itself to 0.4.0 because the Architect Scripting package itself now contains more metadata about Architect Scripting objects in a TypeScript definition file. Certain development environments can read this metadata and use it to provide a nicer development experience such as providing typeahead suggestions while coding with Architect Scripting objects.






New Features

Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes

  • We updated our internal documentation generation tool to resolve some issues where generated documentation was not showing the information we expected it to be.


New Features

  • We added an Architect Scripting Information instance that provides information about Architect Scripting itself. It only has one property in it right now but you can now access the version of Architect Scripting you are using by accessing the ArchScriptingInfo.version property.

  • We added a new ArchActionGetResponse#setResponseByNameAsync method where you can configure the response on a Get Response Action instance by looking up a canned response by name.


  • When running Architect Scripting under node, we updated the minimum required node runtime version from 4.5.0 to 8.0.0. As with previous versions of Architect Scripting, if this minimum version requirement is not met when running under node, Architect Scripting will exit.

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where Architect Scripting may have reported its version incorrectly when invoking the startWithClientIdAndSecret / auth token session methods.



Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue with Architect Scripting that could cause it not to retry network requests at a later time if it was being rate limited by the Genesys Cloud public api ( 429 handling ).

  • The prompt data type is now available for use in inbound chat flows in Architect Scripting.



Bug Fixes


New Features

  • This update adds support for the AWS us-west-2 region in Architect Scripting. We added a new 'prod_us_west_2' entry in the ArchEnums#LOCATIONS enum.

Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a documentation error in the ArchFactoryActions#addActionFindUserPrompt documentation which said it returned a Find System Prompt action when it should have said it returns a Find User Prompt action.

  • We fixed a problem with Architect's expression parser when processing the "." property accessor operator which, under some circumstances, was reporting an expression as invalid when it shouldn't have been.

  • Fixes superfluous console error traces with "_setOptionIfSet(setter)" in the string. These traces do not affect functionality but can be numerous especially when using a Switch Action.


Bug Fixes

  • Miscellaneous documentation updates



  • startWithClientIdAndSecret and startWithAuthToken now return a promise that will resolve when the session's end processing is complete. If the endTerminatesProcess property is true, this promise will not resolve since the process will be terminated by Architect Scripting during session end processing.

  • While it's possible to write your own code to iterate over objects within a flow and may be what you want to do, we wanted to let you know we've added a ArchBaseCoreObject#traverse helper method that will iterate over an object and contents within it in a generic fashion. There is additional filtering capabilities that optionally can be used with traversal or on its own to see if an object matches filter criteria.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an internal Architect Scripting problem if code attempted to access the ArchBaseFlowInboundOutboundSecureCall#startUpObject property on a call flow prior to configuring a startup menu or task. Accessing this property when the flow has no startup menu or task configured now returns null.

  • Fixed a problem with the ArchFactoryActions#addActionHoldMusic function where the hold music action creation could fail if duration expression text string was specified.



Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an internal issue with Scripting's asynchronous processing promise handling to address an issue with the Scripting session ending prematurely.


New Features

  • Since we use Architect Scripting internally when developing new features and/or beta testing, you'll see that Architect Scripting has a new inbound chat flow type. Please note that inbound chat flows are not generally available for use as of 2/13/19.


  • We added an optional boolean parameter to the ArchSession#end function which lets you specify whether or not to wait for any pending asynchronous work to complete before Architect Scripting ends the session. If your code calls the end method directly, current behavior is maintained in that end does not wait for pending work to complete but you can enable that behavior by passing in a true. If Architect Scripting itself is ending the current session, the behavior is that it will wait for any pending work to complete prior to ending the session.



Bug Fixes

  • We fixed up the ArchEnums#FLOW_TYPES_ALL array so its contents match up with the ArchEnums#FLOW_TYPES map. It had an extra string that shouldn't have been there. Additionally, the ArchEnums#ERROR_TYPE_LEX_BOT_VALUES map had a key with the name of featureNotEnabled which has been updated to featureNotEnabledError to be consistent with the other entries so if you referenced ArchEnums#ERROR_TYPE_LEX_BOT_VALUES.featureNotEnabled you'll want to update your code to use ArchEnums#ERROR_TYPE_LEX_BOT_VALUES.featureNotEnabledError instead. Note that this entry is being kept around for consistency with other Architect core bits but the Call Lex Bot action functionality is now generally available so this error should not be seen at runtime anymore in flow types that support the Call Lex Bot action.


Bug Fixes


  • The ArchActionGetResponse action was updated so you have access to the success and failure outputs in Scripting.


New Features


  • We've added some new definition classes which provide information about flows, actions and menus. For example you can see if an action is available for a particular flow type by accessing the ArchDefinitionAction#isAvailableForFlowType without having to have an instance of the action created. Remember that you need to have a connected session when working with definitions since configuration of what is and isn't available to Scripting will be determined by meta data returned from the cloud at session startup. Here is some pseudo code that shows how to access the disconnect action to see if it's available for use in an inbound call flow type: scripting.viewModels.actions.ArchActionDisconnect.definition.isAvailableForFlowType(scripting.enums.archEnums.FLOW_TYPES.inboundCall); Architect Scripting documentation updates in addition to this include. various inconsistencies in "is" properties documentation was updated to reflect that it's readonly and not static. When running under Node, Architect Scripting is now going to emit a console warning when the version of node is less than 8.0. We're planning to update the minimum Node requirements for Architect Scripting in a future versioned Architect Scripting release but wanted to start getting warning traces out there in the meantime so you can update ahead of time.

  • Now that support for dynamic prompt lookups is generally available, we've removed some internal dynamic prompt availability checks in Architect Scripting code.

  • While it's not generally available yet as of Dec. 14th, 2018, we're introducing support in Architect Scripting for internal development purposes to allow specification of additional text to speech engines and voices for supported languages in call flows. Therefore you'll see new classes like ArchTtsEngines, ArchTtsEngine, ArchTtsVoice in Architect Scripting and new properties that deal with text to speech engines and voices. We have the areTtsEnginesAndVoicesAvailable property which will let you know if text to speech engine and voices are available for an organization. Stay tuned!



  • Updated the main Architect Scripting readme.



  • Updated documentation in ArchFactoryFlows to fix up some missing callback links on flow creation methods as well as added more documentation on non-call flow creation functions when an initial starting state is automatically added by Architect Scripting as part of the creation call.

  • We added retry improvements in Architect Scripting to better deal with cases when network calls return a 504 / gateway timeout HTTP error status code.


Bug Fixes

  • The addActionSwitch method on the ArchFactoryActions instance now allows for an array of strings to be passed in when creating the action to specify expressions for individual cases on the newly created switch action. Similarly, on the ArchActionSwitch class, the setExpressionSwitch also allows for a string array as well as a string to configure expression text on individual cases on the switch action.