abstract ArchBaseFilterClauseProperty()

new abstract ArchBaseFilterClauseProperty()

The Architect Scripting class that supplies property name and value pairing information for property / name clauses. The clauses themselves handle the actual equality, inequality comparisons but this class holds what two things are being compared in the clause. Note: Do not attempt to create an instance of this class directly. Instances of this class will be created automatically by Architect Scripting as needed.



static, readonly displayTypeName :string

Returns the display type name string 'ArchBaseFilterClauseProperty'.

readonly isArchBaseFilterClause :boolean

Returns true indicating that this is an ArchBaseFilterClause instance.

Inherited From:

readonly isArchBaseFilterClauseProperty :boolean

Returns true indicating that this is an ArchBaseFilterClauseProperty instance.

readonly isArchBaseFilterMatching :boolean

Returns true indicating that this is an ArchBaseObjectFilterCommon instance.

Inherited From:

readonly propertyMustExist :boolean

Returns whether or not when evaluating this clause if the property specified in [propertyName]{@ArchBaseFilterClauseProperty#propertyName} must exist on the object being checked for evaluation to be considered a match.

readonly propertyName :string

Returns the name of the property that this filter clause will check.


isMatch(archBaseObjectToCheck) → {boolean}

This function returns whether or not the supplied ArchBaseObject instance is a match for the inheriting filter object type. For the ArchFilterClauseContainer class, which you'll note that ArchFilterObject inherits from too, if there are no filter clauses in them the isMatch handling will return true.

Name Type Description
archBaseObjectToCheck ArchBaseObject

the ArchBaseObject instance you wish to check to see if it's a match.

Inherited From: