

new ArchValueSettings(archBaseValue)

Name Type Description
archBaseValue ArchBaseValue

An Architect base value instance.



static allowInvalidExpressionText :boolean

Whether or not setting invalid expression text on an ArchBaseValue should throw an error if the expression text is invalid such as '5 < ', '3 + 4 +', '"Hello World' ( missing quote on string literal ), etc. etc.

// Example code - this will make it so you can set invalid expression text on ArchBaseValue instances
// and Scripting will not throw.
scripting.viewModels.values.ArchValueSettings.allowInvalidExpressionText = true;

readonly canBeExpression :boolean

Returns whether or not the value associated with these settings can be set to an expression.

readonly canBeLiteral :boolean

Returns whether or not the value associated with these settings can be set to a literal.

readonly canBeNoValue :boolean

Returns whether or not the value associated with these settings can be set to no value.

readonly canBeNoValueNoFallback :boolean

Returns whether or not the value associated with these settings can be set to no value along with no fallback to a default expression

readonly canBeVariable :boolean

Returns whether or not the value associated with these settings can be set to a variable.

readonly canUseSecureVariables :boolean

Returns whether or not the value associated with these settings can use secure variables and be valid.

readonly displayTypeName :string

Returns the display type name string 'ArchValueSettings'.

readonly hasFlowLevelDefault :boolean

Returns whether or not the value associated with these settings is an overridable value ( i.e. it has a flow level or higher default setting )

readonly isArchValueSettings :boolean

Returns true indicating that this object is an ArchValueSettings instance.

readonly isInput :boolean

Returns whether or not the value associated with these settings is treated as an input

readonly isOutput :boolean

Returns whether or not the value is treated as an output at runtime. Outputs are bindings which means they're not going to allow a value to be specified as an expression or literal but rather a variable.

readonly isReadable :boolean

Returns whether or not the value associated with these settings can be read from.

readonly isWritable :boolean

Returns whether or not the value associated with these settings can be written to

readonly label :string

Returns the display label for this value.

readonly logStr :string

A string suitable for logging that contains information about this value settings object.


readonly logStrTypeOnly :string

This is a string suitable for logging information about this object where it's just the object's type. This is normally used when logging errors that occur in constructor parameter checking because the scripting object isn't set up and the normal logging str contents wouldn't be set up.


readonly mustBeExpression :boolean

Returns whether or not the value associated with these settings must be an expression.

readonly mustBeLiteral :boolean

Returns whether or not the value associated with these settings must be a literal.

readonly mustBeVariable :boolean

Returns whether or not the value associated with these settings must be a variable. Note that setting an expression that references a variable in expression text is not the same thing because you're setting the value to an expression.


isFilterMatch(archFilterObject) → {boolean}

Returns whether or not this Architect Scripting object is a match for the supplied ArchFilterObject instance.

Name Type Description
archFilterObject ArchFilterObject

the object filter to use to determine if it's a match.



Logs an error to the logging service with a log header from this object's logStr property value when ArchLogging#logErrors is true.

Name Type Description
errorStr string

the error string to log.



Logs an error to the logging service with a log header from this object's logStr property value when ArchLogging#logErrors is true and then throws the string in the errorStr parameter.

Name Type Description
errorStr string

the error string to log. This should be a non-blank string.

  • Throws the submitted error string.


Logs a note to the logging service with a log header from this object's logStr property value when ArchLogging#logNotes is true.

Name Type Description
noteStr string

the note string to log. This should be a non-blank string.



Logs a note to the logging service with a log header from this object's logStr property value when ArchLogging#logNotesVerbose is true.

Name Type Description
noteStr string

the note string to log. This should be a non-blank string.



Logs a warning to the logging service with a log header from this object's logStr property value when ArchLogging#logWarnings is true.

Name Type Description
warningStr string

the warning string to log. This should be a non-blank string.
