new ArchFactoryActions()
A factory instance that lets you add Architect actions to flows. Do not attempt to create an instance of this class. Architect Scripting will create the factory instance as needed.
static, readonly displayTypeName :string
Returns the display type name string 'ArchFactoryActions'.
static, readonly isArchFactoryActions :boolean
Returns true indicating that this is an ArchFactoryActions instance.
readonly logStr :string
A logging string for the Architect Factory Actions instance.
- Overrides:
readonly logStrTypeOnly :string
This is a string suitable for logging information about this object where it's just the object's type. This is normally used when logging errors that occur in constructor parameter checking because the scripting object isn't set up and the normal logging str contents wouldn't be set up.
- Inherited From:
addActionAbortSurveyInvite(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionAbortSurveyInvite}
Adds an abort survey invite action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionAbortSurveyInvite -
addActionAddFlowMilestone(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionAddFlowMilestone}
Adds an Add Flow Milestone action to a task, state, bot or action output.
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchTask | ArchState | ArchActionOutput the Architect task, state, bot or action output where the new action should be added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the task, state or action output where the new action should be added. If undefined, the new action will be appended to the task, state, bot or action output.
ArchActionAddFlowMilestone -
addActionAskForBoolean(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionAskForBoolean}
Adds an Ask for Boolean action to a task, bot or action output.
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchTask | ArchState | ArchActionOutput the Architect task, state or action output where the new action should be added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the task, state or action output where the new action should be added. If undefined, the new action will be appended to the task, state or action output.
ArchActionAskForBoolean -
addActionAskForIntent(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionAskForIntent}
Adds an Ask for Intent action to a task, bot or action output.
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchTask | ArchState | ArchActionOutput the Architect task, state or action output where the new action should be added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the task, state or action output where the new action should be added. If undefined, the new action will be appended to the task, state or action output.
ArchActionAskForIntent -
addActionAskForSlot(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionAskForSlot}
Adds an Ask for Slot action to a task, bot or action output.
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchTask | ArchState | ArchActionOutput the Architect task, state or action output where the new action should be added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the task, state or action output where the new action should be added. If undefined, the new action will be appended to the task, state or action output.
ArchActionAskForSlot -
addActionAskSurveyQuestion(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionAskSurveyQuestion}
Adds an Ask Survey Question action to a task, bot or action output.
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchTask | ArchState | ArchActionOutput the Architect task, state or action output where the new action should be added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the task, state or action output where the new action should be added. If undefined, the new action will be appended to the task, state or action output.
ArchActionAskSurveyQuestion -
addActionAudioMonitoring(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionAudioMonitoring}
Adds an Audio Monitoring action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionAudioMonitoring -
addActionCallAudioConnector(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionCallAudioConnector}
Adds a Call Audio Connector action to a task, state or action output.
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchTask | ArchState | ArchActionOutput the Architect task, state or action output where the new action should be added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the task, state or action output where the new action should be added. If undefined, the new action will be appended to the task, state or action output.
ArchActionCallAudioConnector -
addActionCallBotFlow(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionCallBotFlow}
Adds a Call Bot Flow action to a task, state or action output.
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchTask | ArchState | ArchActionOutput the Architect task, state or action output where the new action should be added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the task, state or action output where the new action should be added. If undefined, the new action will be appended to the task, state or action output.
ArchActionCallBotFlow -
addActionCallCommonModule(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionCallCommonModule}
Adds a call common module action to a task, state or action output.
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchTask | ArchState | ArchActionOutput the Architect task, state or action output where the new action should be added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the task, state or action output where the new action should be added. If undefined, the new action will be appended to the task, state or action output.
ArchActionCallCommonModule -
addActionCallData(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionCallData}
Adds a non-secure data action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionCallData -
addActionCallDataSecure(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionCallDataSecure}
Adds a secure data action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionCallDataSecure -
addActionCallDialogEngineBot(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionCallDialogEngineBot}
Adds a Call Dialog Engine Bot action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionCallDialogEngineBot -
addActionCallDialogflowBot(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionCallDialogflowBot}
Adds a Call Dialogflow Bot action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionCallDialogflowBot -
addActionCallDialogflowCxBot(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionCallDialogflowCxBot}
Adds a Call Dialogflow CX Bot action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionCallDialogflowCxBot -
addActionCallDigitalBotFlow(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionCallDigitalBotFlow}
Adds a Call Digital Bot Flow action to a task, state or action output.
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchTask | ArchState | ArchActionOutput the Architect task, state or action output where the new action should be added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the task, state or action output where the new action should be added. If undefined, the new action will be appended to the task, state or action output.
ArchActionCallDigitalBotFlow -
addActionCallLexBot(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionCallLexBot}
Adds a Call Lex Bot action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionCallLexBot -
addActionCallLexV2Bot(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionCallLexV2Bot}
Adds a Call Lex V2 Bot action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionCallLexV2Bot -
addActionCallNuanceMixBot(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionCallNuanceMixBot}
Adds a Call Nuance Mix Bot action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionCallNuanceMixBot -
addActionCallTask(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, targetTaskopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionCallTask}
Adds a call task action to a task, state or action output.
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchTask | ArchState | ArchActionOutput the Architect task, state or action output where the new action should be added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchTask <optional>
the task to call.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the task, state or action output where the new action should be added. If undefined, the new action will be appended to the task, state or action output.
ArchActionCallTask -
addActionChangeState(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, targetStateopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionChangeState}
Adds a change state action to a state or action output.
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchState | ArchActionOutput the Architect state or action output where the new action should be added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchState <optional>
the state to change to.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the state or action output where the new action should be added. If undefined, the new action will be appended to the state or action output.
ArchActionChangeState -
addActionClearActiveIntent(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionClearActiveIntent}
Adds a Clear Active Intent action to a task, bot or action output.
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionClearActiveIntent -
addActionClearPostFlow(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionClearPostFlow}
Adds a Clear Post-Flow action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionClearPostFlow -
addActionClearSlot(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionClearSlot}
Adds a Clear Slot action to a task, bot or action output.
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionClearSlot -
addActionClearUtilizationLabel(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionClearUtilizationLabel}
Adds a Clear Utilization Label action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionClearUtilizationLabel -
addActionClearVoicemailSnippet(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionClearVoicemailSnippet}
Adds a Clear Voicemail Snippet action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionClearVoicemailSnippet -
addActionCollectInput(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, inputAudioTTSopt, inputVariableopt, interDigitTimeoutMSopt, noEntryTimeoutMSopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionCollectInput}
Adds a collect input action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
string <optional>
default audio case text to speech to use for the input audio.
string | ArchBaseVariable <optional>
the variable to use to hold the input data.
number <optional>
the inter-digit timeout in milliseconds. If specified, this value should be a non-negative integer.
number <optional>
the no-entry timeout duration length in milliseconds. If specified, this value should be a non-negative integer.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionCollectInput -
addActionCommunicate(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, communicationExpressionopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionCommunicate}
Adds a Communication action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
string <optional>
the communication expression text to use for the Communication setting on the communicate action.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action. If undefined, the action will be appended to the container.
ArchActionCommunicate -
addActionCompleteSurveyInvite(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionCompleteSurveyInvite}
Adds a complete survey invite action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionCompleteSurveyInvite -
addActionCreateCallback(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionCreateCallback}
Adds a Create Callback action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionCreateCallback -
addActionDataTableLookup(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionDataTableLookup}
Adds a data table lookup action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionDataTableLookup -
addActionDecision(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, conditionExpressionopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionDecision}
Adds a decision action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
string <optional>
the boolean expression text to use for the condition on the decision action.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action. If undefined, the action will be appended to the container.
ArchActionDecision -
addActionDecryptData(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionDecryptData}
Adds a Decrypt Data action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionDecryptData -
addActionDetectSilence(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionDetectSilence}
Adds a detect silence action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionDetectSilence -
addActionDialByExtension(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, extensionVariableopt, repromptTTSopt, repromptCountopt, interDigitTimeoutMSopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionDialByExtension}
Adds a dial by extension action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
string | ArchVariableString <optional>
the Architect string variable to hold the entered extension.
string <optional>
the text to speech to use for reprompting.
number <optional>
the number of times to reprompt. If specified, this value should be a non-negative integer.
number <optional>
the inter-digit timeout duration in milliseconds. If specified, this value should be a non-negative integer.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionDialByExtension -
addActionDigitalMenu(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionDigitalMenu}
Adds a Digital Menu action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchTask | ArchState | ArchActionOutput the Architect task, state or action output where the new action should be added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the task, state or action output where the new action should be added. If undefined, the new action will be appended to the task or action output.
ArchActionDigitalMenu -
addActionDisconnect(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionDisconnect}
Adds a disconnect action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionDisconnect -
addActionDisconnectWorkitem(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionDisconnectWorkitem}
Adds a Disconnect Workitem action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionDisconnectWorkitem -
addActionEnableParticipantRecord(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionEnableParticipantRecord}
Adds an enable Participant Record action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionEnableParticipantRecord -
addActionEncryptData(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionEncryptData}
Adds an Encrypt Data action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionEncryptData -
addActionEndState(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionEndState}
Adds an End State action to an
such as anaction output
in a workflow flow type.Parameters:
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionEndState -
addActionEndTask(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, targetBranchopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionEndTask}
Adds an end task action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBranch <optional>
the branch to use.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionEndTask -
addActionEndWorkflow(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionEndWorkflow}
Adds an End Workflow action to an
such as anaction output
in a workflow flow type.Parameters:
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionEndWorkflow -
addActionEvaluateSchedule(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionEvaluateSchedule}
Adds an evaluate schedule action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionEvaluateSchedule -
addActionEvaluateScheduleGroup(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionEvaluateScheduleGroup}
Adds an evaluate schedule group action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionEvaluateScheduleGroup -
addActionExitBotFlow(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionExitBotFlow}
Adds an exit bot flow action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionExitBotFlow -
addActionExitWorkitemFlow(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionExitWorkitemFlow}
Adds an exit workitem flow action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionExitWorkitemFlow -
addActionExtractSecureData(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionExtractSecureData}
Adds an extract secure data action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionExtractSecureData -
addActionFindEmergencyGroup(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionFindEmergencyGroup}
Adds a Find Emergency Group action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionFindEmergencyGroup -
addActionFindGrammar(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionFindGrammar}
Adds a Find Grammar action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionFindGrammar -
addActionFindGrammarById(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionFindGrammarById}
Adds a Find Grammar by Id action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionFindGrammarById -
addActionFindGroup(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionFindGroup}
Adds a Find Group action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionFindGroup -
addActionFindKnowledgeBaseDocumentById(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionFindKnowledgeBaseDocumentById}
Adds a Find KnowledgeBaseDocument by Id action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
addActionFindLanguageSkill(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionFindLanguageSkill}
Adds a Find Language Skill action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionFindLanguageSkill -
addActionFindQueue(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionFindQueue}
Adds a Find Queue action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionFindQueue -
addActionFindQueueById(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionFindQueueById}
Adds a Find Queue by Id action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionFindQueueById -
addActionFindSchedule(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionFindSchedule}
Adds a Find Schedule action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionFindSchedule -
addActionFindScheduleGroup(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionFindScheduleGroup}
Adds a Find Schedule Group action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionFindScheduleGroup -
addActionFindSkill(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionFindSkill}
Adds a Find Skill action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionFindSkill -
addActionFindSystemPrompt(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionFindSystemPrompt}
Adds a Find System Prompt action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionFindSystemPrompt -
addActionFindUser(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionFindUser}
Adds a Find User action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionFindUser -
addActionFindUserById(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionFindUserById}
Adds a Find User by Id action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionFindUserById -
addActionFindUserPrompt(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionFindUserPrompt}
Adds a Find User Prompt action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionFindUserPrompt -
addActionFindUsersById(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionFindUsersById}
Adds a Find Users by Id action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionFindUsersById -
addActionFindUtilizationLabel(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionFindUtilizationLabel}
Adds a Find Utilization Label action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionFindUtilizationLabel -
addActionFlushAudio(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionFlushAudio}
Adds a Flush Audio action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionFlushAudio -
addActionFromDefinition(archDefinitionAction, archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchBaseAction}
Adds an action instance from an action definition to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archDefinitionAction
ArchDefinitionAction the action definition that specifies what type of action to create.
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchBaseAction -
addActionGetConversationData(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionGetConversationData}
Adds a get conversation data action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionGetConversationData -
addActionGetExternalContact(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionGetExternalContact}
Adds a Get External Contact action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionGetExternalContact -
addActionGetExternalOrganization(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionGetExternalOrganization}
Adds a Get External Organization action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionGetExternalOrganization -
addActionGetJourneyOutcome(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionGetJourneyOutcome}
Adds a Get Journey Outcome action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionGetJourneyOutcome -
addActionGetJourneyOutcomeScoresBySession(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionGetJourneyOutcomeScoresBySession}
Adds a Get Journey Outcome Scores by Session action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
addActionGetJourneySegment(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionGetJourneySegment}
Adds a Get Journey Segment action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionGetJourneySegment -
addActionGetJourneySession(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionGetJourneySession}
Adds a Get Journey Session action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionGetJourneySession -
addActionGetJourneySessionsByExternalContact(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionGetJourneySessionsByExternalContact}
Adds a Get Journey Sessions by External Contact action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
addActionGetParticipantData(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionGetParticipantData}
Adds a get participant data action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionGetParticipantData -
addActionGetRawSIPHeaders(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionGetJourneyOutcome}
Adds a Get Raw SIP Headers action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionGetJourneyOutcome -
addActionGetResponse(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionGetResponse}
Adds a Get Response action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionGetResponse -
addActionGetSecuredData(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionGetSecuredData}
Adds a Get Secured Data action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionGetSecuredData -
addActionGetSIPHeaders(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionGetJourneyOutcome}
Adds a Get SIP Headers action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionGetJourneyOutcome -
addActionHoldMusic(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, playStyleopt, durationExpressionopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionHoldMusic}
Adds a hold music action to an
such as anaction output
. The prompt to play will be set to Flow.HoldPrompt on the returned new action instance.Parameters:
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
string <optional>
whether to play the whole prompt or for a certain duration. The string values in
lists valid values. This defaults to 'prompt' if not specified.durationExpression
string <optional>
the duration expression to use that supplies the duration of the play style when playStyle is 'duration'.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionHoldMusic -
addActionInitializeFlowOutcome(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionInitializeFlowOutcome}
Adds an Initialize Flow Outcome action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionInitializeFlowOutcome -
addActionJumpToMenu(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, archTargetMenuopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionJumpToMenu}
Adds a jump to menu action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchMenu | ArchMenuSubMenu <optional>
the Architect menu or sub menu to transfer to.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionJumpToMenu -
addActionJumpToTask(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, targetTaskopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionJumpToTask}
Adds a jump to task action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchTask <optional>
the task to transfer to.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionJumpToTask -
addActionLoop(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, currentIndexVariableopt, loopCountExpressionopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionLoop}
Adds a Loop action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
string | ArchVariableInteger <optional>
the current index variable to set on the loop.
string <optional>
the loop count integer expression text that specifies the number of times the loop should run.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionLoop -
addActionLoopAnythingElse(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionLoopAnythingElse}
Adds an "Anything Else?" Loop action to a task, bot or action output.
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchTask | ArchState | ArchActionOutput the Architect task, state or action output where the new action should be added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the task, state or action output where the new action should be added. If undefined, the new action will be appended to the task, state or action output.
ArchActionLoopAnythingElse -
addActionLoopExit(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionLoopExit}
Adds a loop exit action to an
such as anaction output
. Remember that a loop exit has to be contained somewhere within a loop to be valid.Parameters:
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionLoopExit -
addActionLoopNext(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionLoopNext}
Adds a loop next action to an
such as anaction output
. Remember that a loop next has to be contained somewhere within a loop to be valid.Parameters:
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionLoopNext -
addActionLoopUntil(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, currentIndexVariableopt, maxLoopCountExpressionopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionLoopUntil}
Adds a Loop Until action to an
such as anaction output
. When adding a loop until action using this method there will be no until cases automatically added to the returned Loop Until action like the success until case that is automatically added when a Loop Until action is added to a flow in the Architect UI. It's important to remember that when you add a Loop Until action that if you do not configure any until cases with exit criteria, do not set a maximum loop count on the action and there is no loop terminating action likeArchActionLoopExit
or flow terminating action in the loop output or next loop output that at runtime execution could get stuck in an infinite loop until the flow runtime engine would terminate flow execution due to a maximum number of actions being run.Parameters:
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
string | ArchVariableInteger <optional>
the current index variable to set on the loop.
string <optional>
the loop count integer expression text that specifies the number of times the loop should run. If no expression text is specified, no maximum loop count will be configured on the returned action.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionLoopUntil -
addActionPlayAudio(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, defaultAudioTTSopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionPlayAudio}
Adds a play audio action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
string <optional>
default audio text to speech to use for the Play Audio action.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionPlayAudio -
addActionPlayAudioOnSilence(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionPlayAudioOnSilence}
Adds a play audio on silence action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionPlayAudioOnSilence -
addActionPlayEstimatedWaitTime(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, playbackModeopt, estimatedWaitTimeExpressionopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionPlayEstimatedWaitTime}
Adds a play estimated wait time action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Default Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
string <optional>
'lessThan' the estimated wait time playback mode. The string values in
lists valid values.estimatedWaitTimeExpression
string <optional>
'Call.EstimatedWaitTime' the expression to use that supplies the estimated wait time duration value.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionPlayEstimatedWaitTime -
addActionPlayPositionInQueue(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, playbackModeopt, positionExpressionopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionPlayPositionInQueue}
Adds a play position in queue action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Default Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
string <optional>
'number' the position in queue playback mode. The string values in
lists valid values.positionExpression
string <optional>
'Call.PositionInQueue' the expression to use that supplies the position in queue integer value.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionPlayPositionInQueue -
addActionPlayUserGreeting(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionPlayUserGreeting}
Adds a play user greeting action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionPlayUserGreeting -
addActionPlayUserName(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionPlayUserName}
Adds a play user name action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionPlayUserName -
addActionPreviousMenu(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionPreviousMenu}
Adds a previous menu action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionPreviousMenu -
addActionProcessVoicemailInput(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionProcessVoicemailInput}
Adds a Process Voicemail Input action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionProcessVoicemailInput -
addActionReturnToAgent(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionReturnToAgent}
Adds an Return To Agent action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionReturnToAgent -
addActionSearchExternalContacts(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionSearchExternalContacts}
Adds a Search External Contacts action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionSearchExternalContacts -
addActionSendAutoReply(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, fromExpressionopt, replyToExpressionopt, ccExpressionopt, bccExpressionopt, messageBodyVariableopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionSendAutoReply}
Adds a Send Auto Reply action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
string <optional>
the from EmailAddress expression text.
string <optional>
the replyTo EmailAddress expression text.
string <optional>
the cc EmailAddress collection expression text.
string <optional>
the bcc EmailAddress collection expression text.
string | ArchBaseVariable <optional>
the variable to use to hold the message body.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionSendAutoReply -
addActionSendKnowledgeFeedback(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionSendKnowledgeFeedback}
Adds a Send Knowledge Feedback action to an
such as aaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added.
ArchActionSendKnowledgeFeedback -
addActionSendNotification(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionSendNotification}
Adds a Send Notification action to an
such as aaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added.
ArchActionSendNotification -
addActionSendResponse(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, messageBodyExpressionopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionSendResponse}
Adds a Send Response action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
string <optional>
the message body expression text.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionSendResponse -
addActionSetConversationData(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionSetConversationData}
Adds a Set Conversation Data action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionSetConversationData -
addActionSetExternalTag(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, externalTagExpressionopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionSetExternalTag}
Adds a Set External Tag action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
string <optional>
the expression text to set on the
value if a string is supplied.previousArchAction
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionSetExternalTag -
addActionSetFlowOutcome(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionSetFlowOutcome}
Adds a Set Flow Outcome action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionSetFlowOutcome -
addActionSetIntent(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionSetIntent}
Adds a Set Active Intent action to a task, bot or action output.
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionSetIntent -
addActionSetLanguage(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, languageopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionSetLanguage}
Adds a set language action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchLanguage <optional>
the language to have the action set at runtime.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionSetLanguage -
addActionSetParticipantData(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionSetParticipantData}
Adds a set participant data action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionSetParticipantData -
addActionSetPostFlow(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionSetPostFlow}
Adds a Set Post-Flow action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionSetPostFlow -
addActionSetPriority(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionSetPriority}
Adds a Set Priority action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionSetPriority -
addActionSetScreenPop(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionSetScreenPop}
Adds a Set Screen Pop action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionSetScreenPop -
addActionSetSecuredData(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionSetSecuredData}
Adds a Set Secured Data action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionSetSecuredData -
addActionSetSkills(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionSetSkills}
Adds a Set Skills action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionSetSkills -
addActionSetUtilizationLabel(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionSetUtilizationLabel}
Adds a Set Utilization Label action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionSetUtilizationLabel -
addActionSetUUIData(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionSetUUIData}
Adds a Set UUI Data action
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionSetUUIData -
addActionSetWhisperAudio(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, audioExpressionopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionSetWhisperAudio}
Adds a set whisper audio action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
string <optional>
the audio expression text that will be played for the agent.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action. If undefined, the action will be appended to the container.
ArchActionSetWhisperAudio -
addActionSetWrapupCode(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionSetWrapupCode}
Adds a set wrapup code action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionSetWrapupCode -
addActionShowKnowledgeArticle(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionShowKnowledgeArticle}
Adds a show knowledge article to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action. If undefined, the action will be appended to the container.
ArchActionShowKnowledgeArticle -
addActionSwitch(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, switchExpressionopt, caseExpressionOrExpressionsopt) → {ArchActionSwitch}
Adds a switch action to an
such as anaction output
. If switchExpression is a non-blank string, theArchActionSwitch#setExpressionSwitch
method is called with the switchExpression and caseExpression string / string array.Parameters:
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
string <optional>
the expression that supplies the value to switch on at runtime. If a non-blank string, this parameter along with the caseExpressionOrExpressions parameter is passed in to
string | Array.<string> <optional>
this parameter is passed in to
if the switchExpression parameter is a non-blank string.Returns:
ArchActionSwitch -
addActionTerminateWorkitem(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionTerminateWorkitem}
Adds a Terminate Workitem action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionTerminateWorkitem -
addActionTranscription(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionTranscription}
Adds a transcription action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionTranscription -
addActionTransferToAcd(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, preTransferAudioTTSopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionTransferToAcd}
Adds a transfer to acd action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
string <optional>
the pre-transfer text to speech to use for the default audio case.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionTransferToAcd -
addActionTransferToFlow(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, preTransferAudioTTSopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionTransferToFlow}
Adds a transfer to flow action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
string <optional>
the pre-transfer text to speech to use for the default audio case.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionTransferToFlow -
addActionTransferToFlowSecure(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, preTransferAudioTTSopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionTransferToFlowSecure}
Adds a transfer to secure flow action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
string <optional>
the pre-transfer text to speech to use for the default audio case.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionTransferToFlowSecure -
addActionTransferToGroup(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, preTransferAudioTTSopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionTransferToGroup}
Adds a transfer to acd action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
string <optional>
the pre-transfer text to speech to use for the default audio case.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionTransferToGroup -
addActionTransferToNumber(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, preTransferAudioTTSopt, numberopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionTransferToNumber}
Adds a transfer to number action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
string <optional>
the pre-transfer text to speech to use for the default audio case.
string <optional>
the literal number to which to transfer.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionTransferToNumber -
addActionTransferToUser(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, preTransferAudioTTSopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionTransferToUser}
Adds a transfer to user action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
string <optional>
the pre-transfer text to speech to use for the default audio case.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionTransferToUser -
addActionTransferToVoicemail(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, preTransferAudioTTSopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionTransferToVoicemail}
Adds a transfer to voicemail action to an
such as anaction output
. Note that when adding a transfer to voicemail action in Architect Scripting, the voicemail_greeting prompt will not be set on the newly created action instance.Parameters:
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
string <optional>
the pre-transfer text to speech to use for the default audio case.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionTransferToVoicemail -
addActionUpdateData(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionUpdateData}
Adds an update data action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting state, task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionUpdateData -
addActionUpdateWorkitem(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionUpdateWorkitem}
Adds a Update Workitem action to an
such as anaction output
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchBaseMultiActionContainer the Architect multi-action container where the new action should be added. For example, an Architect Scripting task or action output where you want the action added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the archBaseMultiActionContainer after which the new action should be added. If not specified, the new action will be appended to the end of the action container.
ArchActionUpdateWorkitem -
addActionWait(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, durationExpressionopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionWait}
Adds a Wait action to a task, state or action output.
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchTask | ArchState | ArchActionOutput the Architect task, state or action output where the new action should be added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
string <optional>
the wait duration expression text.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the task, state or action output where the new action should be added. If undefined, the new action will be appended to the task, state or action output.
ArchActionWait -
addActionWaitForInput(archMultiActionContainer, nameopt, previousArchActionopt) → {ArchActionWaitForInput}
Adds a Wait for Input action to a task or action output.
Name Type Attributes Description archMultiActionContainer
ArchTask | ArchState | ArchActionOutput the Architect task, state or action output where the new action should be added.
string <optional>
the name for the new action. If not specified, a name will be auto-generated by Architect Scripting based on the action type being created.
ArchBaseAction <optional>
the previous Architect action in the task, state or action output where the new action should be added. If undefined, the new action will be appended to the task or action output.
ArchActionWaitForInput -
isFilterMatch(archFilterObject) → {boolean}
Returns whether or not this Architect Scripting object is a match for the supplied ArchFilterObject instance.
Name Type Description archFilterObject
ArchFilterObject the object filter to use to determine if it's a match.
boolean- Inherited From:
Logs an error to the logging service with a log header from this object's
property value whenArchLogging#logErrors
is true.Parameters:
Name Type Description errorStr
string the error string to log.
- Inherited From:
Logs an error to the logging service with a log header from this object's
property value whenArchLogging#logErrors
is true and then throws the string in the errorStr parameter.Parameters:
Name Type Description errorStr
string the error string to log. This should be a non-blank string.
- Throws the submitted error string.
- Inherited From:
Logs a note to the logging service with a log header from this object's
property value whenArchLogging#logNotes
is true.Parameters:
Name Type Description noteStr
string the note string to log. This should be a non-blank string.
- Inherited From:
Logs a note to the logging service with a log header from this object's
property value whenArchLogging#logNotesVerbose
is true.Parameters:
Name Type Description noteStr
string the note string to log. This should be a non-blank string.
- Inherited From:
Logs a warning to the logging service with a log header from this object's
property value whenArchLogging#logWarnings
is true.Parameters:
Name Type Description warningStr
string the warning string to log. This should be a non-blank string.
- Inherited From: