
new ArchFilterObject(coreNodeInformation)

The Architect Scripting class that supplies action object definition meta data. For example, you can ask instances of this class if an action is valid for use in a particular flow type. Note: Do not attempt to create instances of this class directly. They will be created automatically as needed by Architect Scripting.

Name Type Description
coreNodeInformation NodeInformation

( Internal ) an Architect core node information.



static, readonly displayTypeName :string

Returns the display type name string 'ArchFilterObject'.

readonly isArchFilterClauseContainer :boolean

Returns true indicating that this is an ArchFilterClauseContainer instance.

Inherited From:

readonly isArchFilterObject :boolean

Returns true indicating that this is an ArchFilterObject instance.

operator :string

The operator that will be used when ArchBaseObjectFilterCommon#isMatch is called on this container and indicates whether or not to use and'ing or or'ing on the contents of this container for the isMatch processing. The string values in ArchEnums#FILTER_CONTAINER_OPERATORS list valid values.



addClausePropertyCallback(propertyName, callbackFunction, propertyMustExistopt) → {ArchFilterClausePropertyCallback}

This method will add a property value callback filter clause to this filter component. Your callback function will be called with the property value, name and containing object where you can determine if it should be considered a match. If propertyMustExist is true and the named property does not exist on the object, evaluation of this clause will return false. For example, this is a nice method to use if you wanted to case insensitively check the name on something to see if its string value should be considered a match.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
propertyName string

the property name to check on the ArchBaseObject instance. The named property must exist on the object in order for the equals check to be made.

callbackFunction callbackFilterClauseProperty

the function to call to determine if there is a match.

propertyMustExist boolean <optional>

whether or not the property must exist on the object for the callback to be made for match processing. If the named property does not exist and propertyMustExist is true then evaluation of this clause will not be a match.

Inherited From:

addClausePropertyValueEquals(propertyName, valueopt, propertyMustExistopt) → {ArchFilterClausePropertyValueEquals}

This method will add a basic property value equality filter clause to this filter container. It can be used to check to see if a property value on an ArchBaseObject instance is equal to the supplied value for matching. If propertyMustExist is set to true and the named property does not exist on the object, evaluation of this clause will return false. Equality checking is done using the JavaScript === operator with the supplied value. If you wish to have more control over inequality checking or property checking in general, please use the ArchFilterClauseContainer#addClausePropertyCallback method where you can specify a callback function to perform your own match logic.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
propertyName string

the property name to check on the ArchBaseObject instance. The named property must exist on the object in order for the equals check to be made.

value any <optional>

the value of the property you wish to check.

propertyMustExist boolean <optional>

whether or not the property must exist on the object for the equality check to be made when evaluating this clause. If the named property does not exist on the object being and propertyMustExist is true then evaluation of this clause will not be a match.

Inherited From:

addClausePropertyValueNotEquals(propertyName, valueopt, propertyMustExistopt) → {ArchFilterClausePropertyValueNotEquals}

This method will add a basic property value inequality filter clause to this filter component. It can be used to check to see if a property value on an ArchBaseObject instance is not equal to the supplied value for matching. If propertyMustExist is true and the named property does not exist on the object, evaluation of this clause will return false. Inequality checking is done using the JavaScript !== operator with the supplied value. If you wish to have more control over inequality checking or property checking in general, please use the ArchFilterClauseContainer#addClausePropertyCallback method where you can specify a callback function to perform your own match logic.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
propertyName string

the property name to check on the ArchBaseObject instance. The named property must exist on the object in order for the equals check to be made.

value any <optional>

the value of the property you wish to check.

propertyMustExist boolean <optional>

whether or not the property must exist on the object for the inequality check to be made when evaluating this clause. If the named property does not exist on the object being and propertyMustExist is true then evaluation of this clause will not be a match.

Inherited From:

addFilterClauseContainer(operatoropt) → {ArchFilterClauseContainer}

This method adds a new filter clause container to this container and returns the new clause container. This is normally done when you want to do nested and'ing and/or or'ing.

Name Type Attributes Description
operator string <optional>

when performing match checks, this specifies whether or not to and or or match results from contained filter clauses or filter clause containers. If not specified, the default value for this is ArchEnums.FILTER_CONTAINER_OPERATORS.and. The string values in ArchEnums#FILTER_CONTAINER_OPERATORS lists valid operator values.

Inherited From: