
new ArchActionCallLexV2Bot(coreLexActionViewModel)

The Architect Scripting class that represents the Call Lex V2 Bot action. Instances of this action should be created by calling ArchFactoryActions#addActionCallLexV2Bot

Name Type Description
coreLexActionViewModel Object

( Internal ) an Architect core Call Lex V2 Bot action view model.




static, readonly displayTypeName :string

Returns the display type name string 'ArchActionCallLexV2Bot'.

readonly aliasInitialIntentName :ArchValueString

The initial intent to use when invoking the Lex Bot Alias. Set an alias before setting a value on this. This property must be set, and its value must match the name of one of the intents on the action's selected alias.

readonly intentSlots :ArchNamedValueList

The collection of intents and their slots into which variables can be assigned. To access an intent, you can use the getNamedValueByName function on this property and pass in the name of the intent you want to access. That intent will contain its slots, which you can access also via getNamedValueByName.

Inherited From:

readonly isArchActionCallLexV2Bot :boolean

Returns true indicating that this is an ArchActionCallLexV2Bot instance.

readonly isArchBaseActionLex :boolean

Returns true indicating that this is an ArchBaseActionLex instance.

Inherited From:

readonly lexBotOutputsFailure :ArchNamedValueList

The contents of this named value list come from the Failure Outputs schema. It will contain two values: errorType and errorMessage. These values will be returned by the server if the action takes the Failure path.

Inherited From:

readonly sessionVariableOutputs :ArchBaseNameValuePairs

Returns the output Session Variables configured on the action. If you are looking for the input Session Variables, see ArchBaseActionBot#sessionVariables.


addSessionVariableOutputNameValuePair(nameLiteralopt, outputVariableopt) → {ArchBaseNameValuePair}

This adds an output session name value pair to the Call Lex V2 Bot action that is used to specify the output session property name to retrieve and the corresponding output variable where the value should be stored at runtime. On the returned ArchBaseNameValuePair:

  • the name property specifies the name of the output session property whose value you want to retrieve
  • the value property is an output string value property that specifies the string variable where the runtime value of the output session property will be stored.
Name Type Attributes Description
nameLiteral string <optional>

a string that specifies the name of the output session property to retrieve.

outputVariable string | ArchBaseVariable <optional>

the variable that should hold the value of the session output variable at runtime. For example -> "Flow.MyStringVar"

setLexBotAliasByIdAsync(lexBotAliasId, botName, botRegion, callbackFunctionopt) → {Promise.<ArchActionCallLexV2Bot>}

This sets the Lex V2 bot alias to call at runtime by its identifier.

Name Type Attributes Description
lexBotAliasId string

the identifier of the Lex bot alias.

botName string

the name of the Lex bot.

botRegion string

the AWS region in which the bot lives. For example, 'us-east-1'

callbackFunction callbackArchActionCallLexV2Bot <optional>

a callback function to call if the Lex bot alias is successfully looked up and configured on this action. The first parameter passed to the callback function will be this Architect Call Lex Bot action instance.


setLexBotAliasByNameAsync(aliasName, botNameOrId, botRegion, aliasLanguageTag, searchByBotNameopt, callbackFunctionopt) → {Promise.<ArchActionCallLexV2Bot>}

This sets the Lex V2 bot alias to call at runtime by its name. Note that a region and locale for the alias must be supplied, as multiple bots and aliases with the same name could exist across different regions and with different locales.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
aliasName string

the name of the Lex Alias to set. The name is not case sensitive on the lookup.

botNameOrId string

the name or identifier of the Lex Bot associated with the Lex Bot alias. If a name, the name lookup is not case sensitive.

botRegion string

the AWS region in which the bot lives. For example, 'us-east-1'

aliasLanguageTag string

the locale string for the language the alias supports. For example, 'en-US'. This will match Architect's locale strings, like archLanguages.englishUnitedStates.tag

searchByBotName boolean <optional>

boolean that indicates whether to treat the botNameOrId parameter as a bot name or bot identifier. True indicates that the botNameOrId value should be treated as a bot name so a name lookup is performed to find the Lex Bot. False indicates that botNameOrId should be treated as an identifier so the Lex Bot is looked up by the identifier value specified in the botNameOrId parameter.

callbackFunction callbackArchActionCallLexV2Bot <optional>

a callback function to call if the Lex Bot and Lex Alias are successfully looked up and configured on this action. The first parameter passed to the callback function will be this Architect Call Lex Bot action instance.
