new ArchEnums()
The ArchEnums instance / service is available to get string values returned by or passed in to calls. There are corresponding _ALL properties that contain a string array of each of the supported values for a particular enum in this service.
static, readonly displayTypeName :string
Returns the display name string of 'ArchEnums'.
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid abort survey invite dispositions:
{ error: 'error', optOut: 'optOut' }
Returns a string array that contains all valid abort survey invite dispositions.
Returns a JSON object with these properties for whose values are valid auto generated email handling strings:
{ continue: 'continue', disconnect: 'disconnect' }
Returns a string array that contains all valid flow auto generated email handling strings.
Returns a JSON object with these properties for whose values are valid bot confirmation modes:
{ always: 'always', never: 'never' }
readonly BOT_CONFIRMATION_MODES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid bot confirmation modes.
readonly CHOICE_TYPES :Object
Returns a JSON object with these properties for whose values are valid choice types:
{ postback: 'postback', url: 'url' }
- See:
readonly CHOICE_TYPES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid choice type strings.
Returns a JSON object with these properties for whose values are valid chooser presentation modes:
{ carousel: 'carousel' quickReplies: 'quickReplies' timePicker: 'timePicker' }
Returns a string array that contains all valid chooser mode strings.
- See:
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid as DTMF terminating characters:
{ *: '*' #: '#' }
Returns a string array that contains all valid DTMF terminating character options
readonly EMAIL_STYLES :Object
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid send notification modes:
{ html: 'html' plain: 'plain' }
readonly EMAIL_STYLES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid send notification modes.
readonly ENVIRONMENTS :Object
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are environment strings:
{ dev: 'dev', // used internally by Genesys test: 'test', // used internally by Genesys prod: 'prod' }
readonly ENVIRONMENTS_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid environment strings.
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid data table lookup errorType failure output string values.
{ internalServerError: 'DataTablesInternalServerError', serverTooBusyException: 'DataTablesServerTooBusyException', syntaxError: 'DataTablesSyntaxError', tableNotFoundException: 'DataTablesTableNotFoundException' }
readonly ERROR_TYPE_DATA_TABLE_VALUES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all possible data table lookup errorType failure output string values.
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid call lex bot errorType failure output string values.
{ featureNotEnabledError: 'FeatureNotEnabledError', internalServerError: 'InternalServerError', noInputError: 'NoInputError', noMatchError: 'NoMatchError', noResourceError: 'NoResourceError', versionMismatchError: 'VersionMismatchError' }
- See:
readonly ERROR_TYPE_LEX_BOT_VALUES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all possible call lex bot errorType failure output string values.
Returns a JSON object with these properties for whose values are valid error event handling strings:
{ changeState: 'state', continue: 'continue', disconnect: 'disconnect', endFlow: 'endFlow', endInQueueState: 'endInQueueState', endWorkflow: 'endWorkflow', exit: 'exit', jumpToMenu: 'menu', transferToQueue: 'queue', jumpToTask: 'task' }
readonly EVENTS_FLOW_ERROR_HANDLING_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid flow error event handling strings.
readonly FILTER_CONTAINER_OPERATORS :Array.<string>
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid filter container operators
{ and: 'and', or: 'or' }
Returns a string array that contains all valid filter match styles.
readonly FLOW_FORMAT_TYPES :Object
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid flow format types:
{ architect: 'architect' yaml: 'yaml' }
readonly FLOW_FORMAT_TYPES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid flow format types.
- See:
readonly FLOW_OUTCOMES :Array.<string>
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid flow outcome values for Set Flow Outcome actions.
{ failure: 'FAILURE', success: 'SUCCESS' }
readonly FLOW_OUTCOMES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid flow outcome values for the Set Flow Outcome actions.
readonly FLOW_TYPES :Object
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid flow type strings:
{ bot: 'bot', commonModule: 'commonmodule', digitalBot: 'digitalbot', inboundCall: 'inboundcall', inboundChat: 'inboundchat', inboundEmail: 'inboundemail', inboundShortMessage: 'inboundshortmessage', inqueueCall: 'inqueuecall', inqueueEmail: 'inqueueemail', inqueueShortMessage: 'inqueueshortmessage', outboundCall: 'outboundcall', secureCall: 'securecall', surveyInvite: 'surveyInvite' voicemail: 'voicemail' voiceSurvey: 'voicesurvey', workflow: 'workflow', workitem: 'workitem', }
readonly FLOW_TYPES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid flow type strings.
- See:
readonly FLOW_VERSIONS :Object
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid for flow versions:
{ debug: 'debug' latest: 'latest', published: 'published' }
readonly FLOW_VERSIONS_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid versions for flows.
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid hold music action play styles:
{ duration: 'duration', prompt: 'prompt' }
readonly HOLD_MUSIC_PLAY_STYLES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all hold music play style strings.
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid collect input verification type strings:
{ individualDigits: 'individualDigits', none: 'none', numeric: 'numeric' }
readonly INPUT_VERIFICATION_TYPES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid collect input verification type strings.
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid knowledge feedback strings:
{ positive: 'positive', negative: 'negative', }
readonly KNOWLEDGE_FEEDBACK_TYPES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid knowledge feedback strings.
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid knowledge path mode strings:
{ individualDigits: 'statement', none: 'task', }
readonly KNOWLEDGE_PATH_MODES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid knowledge path mode strings.
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid knowledge settings mode strings.
{ standard: 'standard', custom: 'custom', }
readonly KNOWLEDGE_SETTINGS_MODES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid knowledge settings mode strings.
readonly LOCATIONS :Object
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid location lookup strings:
{ dev: 'dev', // used internally by Genesys test: 'test', // used internally by Genesys prod_ap_northeast_1: 'prod_ap_northeast_1', prod_ap_northeast_2: 'prod_ap_northeast_2', prod_ap_southeast_2: 'prod_ap_southeast_2', prod_ap_south_1: 'prod_ap_south_1', prod_ca_central_1: 'prod_ca_central_1', prod_eu_central_1: 'prod_eu_central_1', prod_eu_west_1: 'prod_eu_west_1', prod_eu_west_2: 'prod_eu_west_2', prod_sa_east_1: 'prod_sa_east_1', prod_us_east_1: 'prod_us_east_1', prod_us_east_2: 'prod_us_east_2', prod_us_west_2: 'prod_us_west_2' }
readonly LOCATIONS_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid location strings.
- See:
readonly LOG_TYPES :Object
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid log types used in logging:
{ error: 'error', info: 'info', warning: 'warning' }
readonly LOG_TYPES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid log types.
- See:
readonly MESSAGE_BODY_STYLES :Object
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid message body style strings:
{ notice: 'notice', standard: 'standard' }
readonly MESSAGE_BODY_STYLES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid message body style strings.
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values can be used for natural language understanding response modes.
{ intents: 'intents', knowledge: 'knowledge', neutral: 'neutral' }
readonly NLU_RESPONSE_BIAS_MODES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid natural language understanding response bias modes.
readonly OUTPUT_IDS :Object
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid output identifier strings:
{ active: 'active', closed: 'closed', conditionsNotMet: 'conditionsNotMet', default: 'default', emergency: 'emergency', error: 'error', event: 'event', failure: 'failure', found: 'found', holiday: 'holiday', inactive: 'inactive', knowledge: 'knowledge', loop: 'loop', loopNext: 'loopNext', loopsMax: 'loopsMax', matchExact: 'matchExact', matchMultiple: 'matchMultiple', maxNoInputs: 'maxNoInputs', no: 'no', noInput: 'noInput', noIntent: 'noIntent', notFound: 'notFound', open: 'open', partiallyFound: 'partiallyFound', success: 'success', timeout: 'timeout', voicemail: 'voicemail', yes: 'yes' }
Remember some actions like
will have dynamic outputs and dynamically added outputs will have identifiers that are not in the enum above.- See:
readonly OUTPUT_IDS_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid output identifier strings.
- See:
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid play estimated wait time style strings:
{ about: 'about', // your estimated wait time is about 5 minutes exact: 'exact', // your estimated wait time is 4 minutes and 30 seconds lessThan: 'lessThan', // your estimated wait time is less than 5 minutes range: 'range' // your estimated wait time is about 4 to 6 minutes }
readonly PLAY_ESTIMATED_WAIT_STYLES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid play estimated wait time style strings.
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid play position in queue style strings:
{ ahead: 'ahead', // there are four callers in front of you number: 'number', // your position in queue is five ordinal: 'ordinal' // you are the fifth caller in the queue }
readonly PLAY_POSITION_STYLES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid play position in queue style strings.
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid post flow target type strings:
{ inboundCallFlow: 'inboundCallFlow' voiceSurveyFlow: 'voiceSurveyFlow' }
readonly POST_FLOW_ACTION_TYPES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid post flow action type strings.
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid post flow target type strings:
{ any: 'any', callee: 'callee', caller: 'caller' }
readonly POST_FLOW_TARGET_TYPES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid post flow target type strings.
readonly PROMPT_MEDIA_TYPES :Object
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid prompt media types:
{ audio: 'audio', none: 'none', text: 'text' tts: 'tts' }
readonly PROMPT_MEDIA_TYPES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid prompt media type strings.
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid evaluation types for EvaluateSchedule actions:
{ emergencyGroup: 'emergencyGroup', schedule: 'schedule' }
readonly SCHEDULE_EVALUATION_TYPES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid evaluation types for EvaluateSchedule actions.
readonly SEND_AUTO_REPLY_MODES :Object
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid send auto reply modes:
{ replyToAll: 'replyToAll', replyToSender: 'replyToSender' }
readonly SEND_AUTO_REPLY_MODES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid session end mode strings.
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid send notification modes:
{ email: 'email' }
readonly SEND_NOTIFICATION_TYPES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid send notification modes.
readonly SESSION_END_MODES :Object
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid session end mode strings:
{ end: 'end', endWithLogout: 'endWithLogout' }
- See:
readonly SESSION_END_MODES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid session end mode strings.
readonly SESSION_STATUSES :Object
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid session status strings:
{ ended: 'ended', notStarted: 'notStarted', running: 'running' }
- See:
readonly SESSION_STATUSES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid session status strings.
readonly SET_UUI_DATA_MODES :Object
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid for a SetUUIData Action
{ transfer: 'transfer', disconnect: 'disconnect' }
readonly SET_UUI_DATA_MODES_ALL :Object
Returns a string array that contains all whose values are valid for a SetUUIData Action
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid speech rec company mode strings:
{ entireFlow: 'entireFlow', none: 'none', startUpObject: 'startUpObject' }
readonly SPEECH_REC_COMPANY_MODES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid speech rec company mode strings.
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid string body handling type strings:
{ convertToMarkdown: 'convertToHtml', convertToMarkdown: 'convertToMarkdown', removeAllFormatting: 'removeAllFormatting' }
readonly STRING_BODY_HANDLING_TYPES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid response body handling types.
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid switch action evaluation style strings:
{ matchExpression: 'matchExpression', matchFirstTrue: 'matchFirstTrue' }
readonly SWITCH_EVALUATION_STYLES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid switch evaluation style strings.
readonly VARIABLE_SCOPES :Object
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid variable scopes:
{ bot: 'bot', call: 'call', chat: 'chat', common: 'common' email: 'email', flow: 'flow', interaction: 'interaction', menu: 'menu', interaction: 'message', session: 'session', slot: 'slot', state: 'state', survey: 'survey' task: 'task', workflow: 'workflow', workitem: 'workitem', }
readonly VARIABLE_SCOPES_ALL :Array.<string>
Returns a string array that contains all valid variable scopes.
Returns a JSON object with these properties whose values are valid voicemail transfer targets:
{ group: 'group', queue: 'queue', user: 'user' }
Returns a string array that contains all valid voicemail transfer targets.